

Hello, my name is Ha’ani Leah

Chef and Blogger

I’m a Guam native living on the East Coast. Most of my wanderlust centers around food and travel. My creativity and desire to be different has always persuaded me to try anything once. I cook, I craft, I travel…but most of all, I live.

I hope this blog inspires you to try anything once. While working in the culinary industry, I’ve learned to keep an open mind when it comes to food. I’ve also learned a lot about myself along the way. I wanted to start this blog to share my passion with cooking, baking and simply enjoying food. I’ll also throw in some random topics relating to the culinary industry and of course my proud Chamoru culture. Cuisine wise, I specialize in Chamoru, Hawaiian, a few Asian regions and several regions in Central and South America. Although, I’m down to try my hand at anything.

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